The hottest, quickest and most in-tune gossip on the high-class teens of Melbourne. Not as drama-drama-drama as the New York Gossip Girl, but just as dripping in luxury and labels. "Love", well we shall certainly see

So from the outrageous spending sprees to the dirtiest details. No secrets, as it all comes from sources within


Lots of Love


Friday, March 26, 2010

Brodie returns

The biggest news this month. Bad boy Brodie Tuscon returns after three months in absentia. Reported by perez hilton to be travelling all through Europe, Brodie hardly made any impression on european teen society until an over the top party at his Belarus home brought him once again under the radar of all the gossip blogs, and mine.

B was spotted with little luggage, one gucci suitcase and a carryall. He returns to his school after this two week break, and rumors are already swirling about what else happened in Europe.

Stay tuned, and send me the deets my loyal followers


Lots of LOVE


M begins blog: Blasts from a Fashion Boy

Matthew, after being reported over his depressed state, has begun his own fashion blog. Blasts from a Fashion Boy certainly portrays some of his love for fashion, but perhaps not his excessiveness. Word has reached back to us from two very strong sources that M had quite a nice time in the designer stores of Paris, building up a carrier-bag-content worth over two thousand dollars, ONLY ON CLOTHES. Now, through the elite high-schoolers of melbourne, we have seen that rash or impulse spending at filthy amounts can be quite common (we've seen Georgiana Harrington go into Chanel and walk out having spent as much as her private yearly school fees, weve seen Constance Culmington receive a Porsche as her "L" car, and Brodie Tuscon's summer "cottage" in Portsea as an 18th bday pressie) but M is constantly on his clothes. His latest additions include leather boots, a trench coat, and Versace and Burberry small duffles. He's never without a scent and often has a tie on.

Blasts from a fashion boy will either flourish or fail, it should be interesting to see the turnout

Sunday, March 14, 2010

M stopped at Chaddy, stocking up a shopping bill

M once again, dishing in some juicy gossip.

Spotted at Chadstone, with three unidentified strangers, was seen flocking through the high-end designer stores, building up a cluster of carrier bags shop by shop and almost looking like he was having fun. The not so recent gossip on M is that a certain depressed state has returned. Bulimia and now this M, watever wil u do?

:( :( :(

and then it hardly makes it better that he is increasingly seen stepping out of the counsellors building, and sounrces say he close to had a huge breakdown when one of the teachers didnt allow him through to their offices in tutor period. Should anonymous be comenting on all these occurences? Oh well...


Lots of Love


Monday, March 8, 2010

V for faux

Remember little hung-over V?

She got our sources attention again today following a lrge shopping spree in Jimmy Choo, and in a noticable faux fur coat. V has been known to keep ahead of the weather, but perhaps this is a little ridiculous, as Melbourne is stifling.

She bought the new season Jimmy bag, which Anonymous is in love with, and costs upwards of $5000. Don't we just love girls who know how to impulse buy?

We also hear that is the storm of 06/03/2010, V's Mummys Bentley got slightly damaged. Will that stop her daughter from gaining every girls dream bag, not for a second


Lots of love



The Latest on our Regular M

The boy who everyone suspected of being gay, the one seen outside Tiffany's, is reported to have thrown a truy spectacular 16th bash on Saturday night. The details were heavily concealed as security was high and rumours were it was a gatecrashers dream, with Sushi, a Croque en Bouche and Pellegrino in its bucketloads but during all the talk it became associated with being a "gay tea party". Ended up a pool party wen a boy was pushed in with his best friends samsung on person. Dancing, expensive cake and Lady Gaga songs were the theme of the evening.

Darling little M, he's growing up :P


Lots of Love



not exactly a private school girl, in fact, a dirt poor waste of space. I simply found this story hilarous, as im the kind of person that beleives in schadenfruede.

A girl from my primary school, a bossy little tart called Olivia who used to laugh at me, and make me cry, exclude me from her converstaions, and spread rumors aout me, was today spotted emerging out of the St. Vincent de Paul church in Strathmore with not one, but TWO children in hand and a very dazed looking boyfriend. A church you ask? Wouldnt really have expected a girl like O to be religious. Beliv me i didnt either, until my source told me that not-so-sweet Olivia was holding a baby in a Christening gown. What hilarity! They were all clad in Target last season markdowns and despite the pity i feel for this poor trashy gal in her hideous gettup, ill alays remember that she was the one who tripped me on the stairs, who had told the teachers i was the one talking i class wen she was,and who convinced all the boys to pick me last every spot class

Hoping god will help you? Here's to you Olivia! You won't get into heaven by sleepig around

Will keep you posted, next thing we know she might get cankles and a fat arse!


Lots of Love
